
The theme used here is a modified version of a theme called ‘Greening’ which I’ve used for as long as I can remember.

The footer of the theme originally said:

Powered by WordPress | Dressed with Greening v1.02 | Designed by Martin Mihalev

However the links to the theme and the author do not work, nor does the domain that hosts them.

I’ve modified the theme a little (not always making it better).

  • I’ve changed it to a serif font.
  • I made the text area wider
  • I made categories/tags etc show a list of article titles, rather than just the complete text of each post, which can be difficult to browse through.
  • added some Google Adsense adverts
  • Then…
  • made it html5-ish
  • cut down on the left hand side clutter
  • remove the left hand side completely
  • removed the adverts
  • added some text to the footer.

I created a zip of the theme in 2010, just after changing some of the mark up to be a little like html5. You can download it but it will need editing to remove my own text and Google Analytics code. This will include the left hand menu and ads. It would have looked a little like this.


2009 – web archive

2010 – web archive


2012 – top of page

2012 – bottom of page

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