Just come across WordPress WMU. Allows you to manage multiple WordPress blogs within one installation, and do handy things like allow users to use the same account (with different permissions) across different blogs.
This could well be handy as I’ve recently setup a number of blogs at work for various purposes, all WordPress, and while quick to install and upgrade, and time to do this starts to add up. Worth checking out.
Aside 1: writing this blog post in flock.
Aside 2: Discovered WordPress WMU while trying to guess at the url for a blog on the next version of Prism – the web catalogue for the library system from Talis – a blog which probably doesn’t even exist (they have one for their new readinglist system). While trying various guesses for the potential directory name for the (non)blog in question, I got a ‘hey create a new blog with this name’ instead of a 404. nice.
[was clearly being a bit of a retard when I wrote this and failed to copy two letters correctly, it is WordPress MU – for multiuser – not WU. I only noticed this a few weeks later when googling for WordPress WU and finding my post as the first hit]
Tags: wordpresswu, talis, flock, blogs