there’s a high chance you might not actually be me

Tom Roper knows everything, reads clever stuff, seems to have an impressive range of music taste and gets technology. Generally the sort of the stuff that makes illiterate uncultured un-witty people like me really hate him. He also posts things to his blog. Which is all a bit too much like work for me (blogs are like breadmakers… like the idea of having one, but never actually use it).

Anyway. He posted some stats and bits about his blog over the last couple of years and I thought of commenting and pointing towards the bloglines ‘number of subscribers’ feature as another little gem. In the comment, my brain thought, I would also point out that my blog only has one subscriber as a comparison (and hence ‘accidentaly’ end up linking to my blog from his comments…fame would then by mine). Oh, and that 1 subscriber is me. But here’s the but. But when checking this it turns out I actually have 3 subscribers.

PEOPLE: this blog is crap. I don’t update it for years and when I do it’s just a link to a bit of flash and how to do some bloody simple SQL. Look, there are millions of blogs out there and all of them will be better than this. You can do better. Have confidence in your self. Be a man. (or a women… urm, you’re choice really… or rather it’s not, but it can be sort of… I’ll stop now).

Anyway if there are 3 (well 2 and me) people subscribed to this via bloglines, there must be others as well. So hello, sorry about the google ads i’ve just stuck here. I had them on a couple of webpages for a year or so and have made $8! (yes fame and riches!) so why I’m bothering I don’t know. Feel free to comment. And if i mark your comment as spam when I mark all the rest as spam, I’m sorry but do try again.

5 thoughts on “there’s a high chance you might not actually be me

  1. One of them is me, I’m afraid.

    We use our breadmaker mostly for making pizza dough, along with my pizza sauce recipe. Mmmm.

    Content seems to be king for adsense – I’m currently doing rather well out of it (or would be were it not for the shitty exchange rate). It pays for hosting the website, anyway….

    Also, your comments are broken (without creating an account) :)

  2. So your saying “Content seems to be king” and i have a site called nostuff. I’m detecting a problem. :)

    I seem to remember reading an article or something about mr jibble not doing terribly bad from his
    He’s another person I hate… I can spend a whole evening on the web and all I have to show for it is I’ve read another 1% of useless wikipedia pages. He sits down for ten minutes and at the end had a new website with stuff on java, doing geeky stuff, internet security, photography and his book AND he’s had two slashdot articles that involve him AND more. It makes me sick. Honestly, some people have no shame.

    And without wanting this to be too much of a love in, I’m one of yours as well. And I notice Chapman and Osborne are reading yours and not mine. Which means I can say ‘bastards’ and they will never know.

  3. I don’t know why anyone reads your blog either, let alone comment on it. It really is full of umm no stuff.

    Gotta go, there is more interesting stuff out there on the intermaweb.



  4. okay, re comments being broken. One of the sending restrictions was ‘only allow messages with a name and email address’. Which was a bit stupid as the template I’m now using doesn’t have a email field in the reply form. Should be fixed now (email address not required).

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